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Technical Problems in the Development of Linear Modular Industrial Robots in China


In recent years, linear modular industrial robots have been widely used in China, not only in the automation machinery industry, but also in the food industry and other industries. It can be said that in the future, linear modular industrial robots will involve all aspects of human industry. So, can we say that linear modular industrial robots can replace human labor, and linear modular industrial robots will completely replace human labor? Are linear modular industrial robots also facing technical problems? In fact, linear modular industrial robots cannot replace humans, and they also face many technical problems in their development. From the current point of view, they mainly face the following technical problems.


1. Application of linear module industrial robot

Most linear modular industrial robots are programmed for a single scenario and must be reprogrammed when they are used in other scenarios. A linear modular industrial robot cannot be used freely in many applications, and different manufacturers have different linear modular industrial robot languages, so even an experienced linear modular industrial robot application worker cannot master all linear modular industrial robots. The application development function of the robot.

Second, the lack of core technology

In my country, the core technology of linear module industrial robot technology research and development is relatively lacking. For example, the performance of core components such as reducers and servos is still relatively low, and the performance of core components is difficult to upgrade.

Third, the lack of raw materials

In recent years, the problem of global energy shortage has become more and more prominent. Materials such as cast iron and cast aluminum required for the manufacture of linear modular industrial robots are increasingly scarce, and new alternative materials cannot be perfectly applied to the manufacturing of linear modular industrial robots.

Fourth, there are few high-end technical talents.

Due to the late development of my country's linear module industrial robot manufacturing industry and the immature technology in many aspects, there are few talents in this field. In addition, the rapid development of the linear module industrial robot manufacturing industry and the huge market scale in recent years have also highlighted the lack of high-end technical talents in my country.

In conclusion, linear modular industrial robots still face many technical problems. China still has a long way to go in the development of linear modular industrial robots, and it needs to be solved step by step.


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